定 價(jià):180 元
- 作者:梁東方,張景新,王華,陳日東 編
- 出版時(shí)間:2016/12/1
- ISBN:9787313159175
- 出 版 社:上海交通大學(xué)出版社
- 中圖法分類:TV131.4-53
- 頁碼:234
- 紙張:膠版紙
- 版次:1
- 開本:16開
Most of the conventional numerical techniques, such as the finite difference method, finite volume method, boundary element method and finite element method, are based on computational grids. Each grid point has a fixed number of predefined neighbours, and the connectivity between neighbounng points is used to define mathematical operators like derivation and integration. Often, Eulerian formulation is adopted, where the grid is fixed.Such an approach encounters computational complexities in modelling problems involving moving boundaries and large convections. These complexities can be avoided with the Lagrangian approach, where the computational grid moves with the material. However, the mesh can become tangled if the deformation of the material is large.
Rather than relying on the pre-defined grid connectivity, the meshfree methods rely on discrete particles to remove and thus completely avoid the mesh tanglement. Therefore, they are often referred to as particle methods in the literature. However, care must be taken that these particles are actually interpolation points for solving the partial differential equations.Only a small minority of meshfree techniques employ physical particles. Meshfree methods have been increasingly applied in computational hydraulics. In particular, the meshfree algorithms have demonstrated advantages in handling fluid/solid interactions and free water surfaces. However, they have also shown some limitations when being applied to other problems. As a relatively new numerical method, the meshfree technique is one of the hottest research topics in computational mechanics. In computational hydraulics, it has attracted more and more research interest. Over time, various types of meshfree algorithms have been developed, with different complexities and characteristics.
MLParticle-SJTU Solver and Its Applications in Free Surface Flows
Projection-based Particle Methods-A Brief Review of Latest Achievements
Numerical Simulation of Wave Interaction with Perforated Caissons using SPH
SPH Simulation of the Movement of Structures in Waves
Comparison of Different Iteration Schemes of ISPH for Violent Water Impact Simulation
Numerical Simulation of Fluid-Solid Interactions Using Finite Volume Method and Combined Finite-Discrete Element Method
Improved Laplacian Operator Approximation for Free-surface Flows by Incompressible SPH Method
Simulation of 2-D Dam-break Flow Based on SWE-SPH Modeling Approach
Coupled CFD-DEM Modeling of Submerged Granular Flows
Coupled DEM-CFD Simulation of Particle Sedimentation in Liquid
Simulation of Particle Motion in Free Surface Flows with a CFD-DEM Coupled Model
Analytical and DEM Studies on the Mechanical Behaviour of Granular Materials
Coupled 3D Lattice-Boltzmann Method with Discrete Element Method for Simulating Self-Compacting Concrete Flows in Rock-Filled Concrete
Simulation of Hydraulic Fracturing
Application of MPM to Study Dynanuc Interactions between Water and Soil