Unit 1 The Crying Shame
Unit 2 In Grey BritainItS Always Your Fault
Unit 3 Use It or Lose It:Keeping the Brain Young
Unit 4 Confession of a Nicotine Addict
Unit 5 Speaking of English:了he British and the Americans
Unit 6 Spoilt for Choice
Unit 7 Why We Are Youched by the Sound of Music
Unit 8 0lder Parents:Good for Kids?
Unit 9 Embassies for Sale
Unit 10 The Tonguetied Americans
Unit 11 An Open and Shut Marriage
Unit 12 Hurry Sickness
Unit 13 EverythingS Coming Up Rosetinted
Unit 14 Making Parenta!Leave a Right
Unit 15 Fighting AIDS Discrimination
Unit 16 Requiem for the Typewriter
Unit 17 Art Treasures
Unit 18 Putting on Their Game Faces
Unit 19 Nuclear Power Plots a Comeback
Unit 20 The "Moral Rights" of Artists
Unit 21 Seduced in the Supermarket
Unit 22 Why Are You Laughing
Unit 23 Science and the People at Large
Unit 24 Search for the Wolf
Unit 25 Genes Versus Society
Keys to the Exercises
1 Office workers Bob Kearns and Helen Bell were both upset bythe bosss news. They had just been told the news that, despiteearlier promises, they would not be promoted for another sixmonths. The man Kearns shouted at the boss~ the woman Bellcried.
2 The office was abuzz with Kearns reaction. "Did you hearwhat he shouted at the boss?" He was a minor hero for a day.But, if anyone spoke of Bells behaviour, it was in hushed tones.She had committed the unforgivable sin of crying at work.
3 If Dr. William Frey had been there, though, Bell would havebeen the one to be applauded. "A lot of people shout and yell atwork. Thats not very constructive... Its very good for people tocry. Its very important to allow yourself to cry to alleviatestress," says Frey, a biochemist who works at the Dry Eye andTears Research Center in the American state of Minnesota.