Part I Base Components
Unit 1 Cell 3
Lesson 1 Cell structure 3
Lesson 2 Chemical composition of cells 7
Lesson 3 Structure and function of DNA 11
Unit 2 Microorganism 15
Lesson 4 Types of microorganisms 15
Lesson 5 Applications of microorganisms 19
Lesson 6 Evolution and morphology of viruses 21
Unit 3 Plant 25
Lesson 7 Plant evolution 25
Lesson 8 Primary and secondary growth in plants 28
Lesson 9 Plant life cycles 30
Lesson 10 Natural and artificial methods of asexual reproduction in plants 33
Unit 4 Animal 36
Lesson 11 Characteristics of the animal kingdom 36
Lesson 12 Methods of animal reproduction 39
Lesson 13 Constructing an animal phylogenetic tree 41
Unit 5 Ecology 45
Lesson 14 Food chains and food webs 45
Lesson 15 Ecosystem dynamics 47
Lesson 16 Climate change and biodiversity 49
Unit 6 Biotechnology 52
Lesson 17 Basic techniques to manipulate genetic material 52
Lesson 18 Genetically modified organisms 55
Lesson 19 Basic techniques in protein analysis 58
Part II Promotion Components
Unit 7 Cell studies 63
Lesson 20 Mechanisms of plant cell division 63
Lesson 21 Browning phenomena in plant cell cultures 64
Lesson 22 Cell mechanics 66
Lesson 23 Stem cell research: Trends and perspectives on the evolving
international landscape 67
Lesson 24 Suicide of aging cells prolongs life span in mice 70
Lesson 25 Nobel honors discoveries on how cells eat themselves 72
Unit 8 Microorganism studies 75
Lesson 26 Human adaptation to arsenic-rich environments 75
Lesson 27 Your poor diet might hurt your grandchildren’s guts 76
Lesson 28 Antibiotic use and its consequences for the normal microbiome 78
Lesson 29 The global ocean microbiome 81
Lesson 30 Gut microbes give anticancer treatments a boost 83
Lesson 31 Zika virus kills developing brain cells 86
Unit 9 Plant studies 89
Lesson 32 Abiotic and biotic stress combinations 89
Lesson 33 Does climate directly influence NPP globally? 91
Lesson 34 The effects of enhanced UV-B radiation on plants 93
Lesson 35 Sulfur deficiency–induced repressor proteins optimize glucosinolate
biosynthesis in plants 94
Lesson 36 Fine roots—functional definition expanded to crop species 97
Lesson 37 Plants can gamble, according to study 100
Unit 10 Animals studies 103
Lesson 38 Marine defaunation: Animal loss in the global ocean 103
Lesson 39 Tiny DNA tweaks made snakes legless 104
Lesson 40 How Earth’s oldest animals were fossilized 107
Lesson 41 Why do zebras have stripes? 109
Lesson 42 Tiny Microbe Turns Tropical Butterfly into Male Killer 111
Lesson 43 Dogs recognize dog and human emotions 113
Unit 11 Ecology studies 115
Lesson 44 The next century of ecology 115
Lesson 45 Ninety-nine percent of the ocean’s plastic is missing 117
Lesson 46 Earth’s lakes are warming faster than its air 118
Lesson 47 Strong invaders are strong defenders—implications for the
resistance of invaded communities 120
Lesson 48 Global warming favours light-coloured insects in Europe 122
Lesson 49 Carbon dioxide supersaturation promotes primary production in
lakes 123
Part III Scientific Writing and Publishing in English
Unit 12 Common problems and corresponding suggestions in document indexing 127
Lesson 50 Common problems in document indexing 127
Unit 13 Composition and Writing of English Scientific Papers 133
Lesson 51 Composition of English scientific papers 133
Lesson 52 Title, author and contact information of the paper 134
Lesson 53 The writing skills of abstract and keywords 136
Lesson 54 The writing skills of the introduction 140
Lesson 55 The writing skills of materials and methods 143
Lesson 56 The writing skills of results, discussions and conlusions 148
Lesson 57 The writing skills of acknowledgements and references 152
Unit 14 Contributions and publishing skills of English scientific papers 156
Lesson 58 How to select the periodicals 156
Lesson 59 Submission process and modification process 159
References 167
Appendix 170
AppendixⅠ common Biology Core Vocabulary 170
AppendixⅡ Research Paper Example 176