Chapter One Overview of the Convention and ExhibitionIndustry..
Chapter Two Conference Planning
Chapter Three Conference Venues
Chapter Four Financial Administration of Conference
Chapter Five Promotion and Publicity
Chapter Six Conference Registration
Chapter Seven Conference Service and Management
Chapter Eight Emergency and Safety
Chapter Nine Introduction to Exhibition Industry
Chapter Ten Choice of Venues for Exhibition
Chapter Eleven Exhibition Participation
Chapter Twelve Exhibitors and Show Managers
Chapter Thirteen Exhibition Marketing
Chapter Fourteen Preparation Work before an Exhibition
Chapter Fifteen Reception at the Exhibition Hall
Chapter Sixteen The Economic Benefits of Exhibitions
Chapter Seventeen Etiquette for Exhibitions andConventions
And then its also important for you to have an on-site inspection. If the venueis too compact, it will leave the participants feeling congested and uncomfortable; onthe contrary, if the venue is too big, it may leave the participants an impression thatthe exhibition is not as popular and busy as they expect. Therefore, choosing a venuewith an appropriate size is one of the crucial factors to success.
The first impression is important. The first impression an organizer gets maywell be the same first impression that visitors and guests get. Organizers should payattention to all their senses. What does the site 10ok like? What are its surroundings?Is it attractive? Is it quiet? Is it under a flight path? Does it have scented gardens?Are the toilets clean and fresh? Touch the furnishings and some of the equipment.Do these feel clean? Do your shoes stick to the floor or the carpets?
At your first visit you are probably not going to be able to taste anything, but iffood is an element of your event, then once you have made a selection of venue, youmay wish to try samples of the food you selected, especially if the exhibition is largeor involves VIP catering, in order to see if the kitchen is up to the job. On your visit,try to make sure you see all the areas your visitors will use, not only the main room,site, arena or hall, but also the entrances, corridors, car parts, toilets and food serviceareas. Are these places well kept? Is there evidence of activity, cleanliness, goodmaintenance? These things are all indicators of an active and capable managementof the venue. The more capable they are, the easier your job will be.