《自然史(第3卷)》原著為法文,共44卷。本版為英國學(xué)者James Smith Barr在1797-1807年翻譯出版的10卷冊,是原著中*精華的部分,主要包括地球的理論、動物史、人類史、家畜馴養(yǎng)史,并簡單介紹了礦物和植物等內(nèi)容。
哲語說,文如其人!蹲匀皇贰返淖髡卟挤猓麊讨.路易,勒克萊爾,布封(Georges-Louis Leclerc,Comtede Buffon,1707-1788),如同他的不朽著作一樣,也有一部不尋常的經(jīng)歷。他生于法國,自幼喜好自然科學(xué),特別是數(shù)學(xué)。1728年法律專業(yè)畢業(yè)后,又學(xué)了兩年醫(yī)學(xué)。20歲時就先于牛頓發(fā)現(xiàn)了二項式定理;26歲成為法蘭西科學(xué)院機(jī)械部的助理研究員,翻譯并出版了英國博物學(xué)者海爾斯的著作《植物生理與空氣分析》和牛頓的《微積分術(shù)》;1739年,32歲的他轉(zhuǎn)為法蘭西科學(xué)院數(shù)學(xué)部的副研究員,并被任命為“巴黎皇家植物園及御書房”的總管;1753年成為法蘭西科學(xué)院院士。他用40年的時間寫出了長達(dá)36卷的《自然史》,后又由他的學(xué)生整理出版了8卷,共44卷。此書一出版,就轟動了歐洲的學(xué)術(shù)界,各國很快有了譯本。1777年,法國政府給布封建了一座銅像,上面寫著:“獻(xiàn)給和大自然一樣偉大的天才!边@是對布封的崇高評價。
《自然史》原著為法文,這里出版的是英國學(xué)者James Smith Barr在1797-1807年翻譯的英文版10卷冊,選取的是原著中最精華的部分。發(fā)行這樣的英文版高級作品、高級讀物,就像外文書籍、外文刊物一樣,自然面對的也是高水平的讀者和館藏者,希望他們既可以接近原汁原味地欣賞原著,感受自然的魅力,受到自然科學(xué)和文學(xué)藝術(shù)的熏陶,同時又能自然而然地提高英文素養(yǎng)和寫作水平。在廣大知識分子外語水平普遍提高的今天,這樣的科學(xué)傳播形式也許會受到越來越多讀者的青睞。
History of Animals
Chap.VI.Experiments on the Method of Generation
Chap.VII.Comparison of my Observations with those of Leeuwenhoek
Chap.VIII.Rejiections on the preceding Experiments
Chap.IX.Varieties in the Generation of Animals
Chap.X.Of the Formation of the Fcetus
Chap.XI.Of the Expansion, Growth, and Delivery of the Foetus Recapitulation
History of Man
Chap.I.Of the Nature of Man
Chap.II.Of Infancy
By the experiments we have just described, I was assured that females,as well as males, have a seminalliquor which contains moving substances; that these substances were not real animals, but only living organic particles; and that those particles exist, not only in the seminal liquors of the two sexes, but even in the flesh of animals, and in the germs of vegetables. To discover whether all the parts of animals, and all the germs of vegetables, contained living organic particles, I caused infusions of the flesh of different animals to be made, and of more than twenty kinds of seeds of different plants; and after they had infused four or five days, in phials closely stopt up, I had the satisfaction to see moving organic parts in them all; some appeared sooner, and others later; some preserved their motion for months together, while others were soon deprived ofit; some directly produced large moving globules, that had the appearance of real animals, which changed their figures, separated, and became successively smaller: others produced only small globules, whose motions were very brisk; others produced filaments which lengthened and seemed to vegetate, swelled, and afterwards thousands of moving globules issued therefrom; but it is useless to detail my observations on the infusion of plants, since Mr. Needham has published so excellent a treatise on the subject. I read the preceding treatise to that able naturalist, and often reasoned with him on the subject, particularly on the probability that the germs of vegetables contained similar moving bodies to those in the seed of male and female animals. He thought those views sufficiently founded to deserve to be pursued; and therefore began to make experiments on all parts of vegetables; and I must own that the ideas I gave him on this subject have reaped greater profit under his hands than they would have done from me. I could quote many examples, but shall confine myself to one, because I indicated the circumstance I am going to relate.
To determine whether the moving substances seen in the infusions of flesh were true animals, or only, as I supposed, moving organic particles, Mr. Needham imagined that he had only to examine some roasted meat, because if they were animals the fire must destroy them; and if not animals, they might still be found there as well as when the meat was raw; having therefore taken the jelly of veal, and other roasted meat, he infused them for several days in water, closely corked up in phials, and upon examination he found in every one of them a great quantity of moving substances. He shewed me some of these infusions, and among the rest that of the jelly of veal, in which there were moving substances, perfectly like those in the seminal liquor of a man, a dog, and a bitch, when they have no threads, or tails; and although we perceived them to change their figures, their motions so perfectly resembled those of an animal which swims, that whoever saw them, without being acquainted with what has been already mentioned, might certainly have taken them for real animals. I shall only add, that Mr. Needham assured himself, by a multiplicity of experiments, that all parts of vegetables contain moving organic particles, which confirms what I have saidi and extends my theory on the composition of organized beings, and their reproduction.
All animals, both male and female, and all vegetables whatsoever, it is therefore evident are composed of living organic parts. These organic parts are in the greatest abundance in the seminal liquor of animals, and in seeds of vegetables. It is from the union of these organic parts returned from all parts of the animal or vegetable body, that reproduction is performed, and is always like the animal or vegetable in which it operates; because the union of these organic parts cannot be made but by the means of an internal mould, in which the form of an animal or vegetable is produced. It is in this also the essence of the unity and continuity of the species consists, and will so continue while the great Creator permits their existence.