定 價:29.5 元
- 作者:李璨,張憲民 編
- 出版時間:2004/3/1
- ISBN:9787562920540
- 出 版 社:武漢理工大學(xué)出版社
- 中圖法分類:TH111
- 頁碼:
- 紙張:膠版紙
- 版次:
- 開本:
According to the basic teaching requirements for the course Mechanisms and Machine Theory,and the requirement of bilingual teaching,this textbook is written
for students and teachers of mechanical engineering major in universities and colleges in China.
There are 12 chapters in this textbook:Introduction,Structure Analysis of Me chanisms,Kinematic Analysis of Mechanisms,Friction and Efficiency of Machineries,Planar Linkage Mechanisms,Cams and Their Design,Gears and Their Design,Gear Trains,The Design of Combined Mechanism and Other Common Mechanisms,Machinery Operation and Adjustment of Velocity Fluctuation in Machineries and Balancing. There are some problems and notes at the end of each chapter for students to grasp and practice.
This book can be used as textbook for course Mechanisms and Machine Theory,taught as bilingual teaching material,or be used as textbook for course English in Mechanical Engineering,for students of mechanical engineering major in universitles and colleges. It can also be used as reference book for teachers,students and engineers of mechanical engineering major and other relevant majors.
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 About this Course
1.2 Mechanisms and Machines
1.3 Content of this Course
1.4 Design Process and this Book
Chapter 2 Structure Analysis of Mechanisms
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Composition of Mechanisms
2.3 Kinematic Diagrams
2.4 Mechanism with Confirmed Motion
2.5 Number of Degrees of Freedom of the Mechanisms
2.6 Notes when Determine the Number of DOF of Planar Mechanisms
Chapter 3 Kinematic Analysis of Mechanisms
3.1 Tasks and Methods of Kinematic Analysis
3.2 Velocity Analysis by the Method of Instantaneous Center
3.3 Kinematic Analysis by Complex Numbers
Chapter 4 Friction and Efficiency of Machineries
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Friction in Joints/Kinematic Pairs
4.3 Efficiency of Machineries
4.4 Self-lock of Machineries
Chapter 5 Planar Linkage Mechanisms
5.1 Introduction
5.2 The Types of Four-bar Mechanisms and Application
5.3 Characteristics Analysis of Four-bar Linkages
5.4 Synthesis of Four-bar Mechanism
Chapter 6 Cams and Their Design
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Cam and Follower Types
6.3 Process of Cam Synthesis
6.4 Displacement Diagrams of Follower
6.5 Graphical Cam Profile Synthesis
6.6 Analytical Cam Profile Synthesis
6.7 Cam Size and Physical Characteristics
Chapter 7 Gears and Their Design
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Applications and Types of Gear Mechanisms
7.3 Fundamental Law of Toothed Gearing
7.4 Involute Properties
7.5 Terminology and Definition of Gears
7.6 Involute Geometry
7.7 Mesh and Trains of Involute Spur Gears
7.8 Contact Ratio
7.9 The Forming of Involute Spur Gear
7.10 Interference and Undercutting
7.11 Pofile?shifted Gear
7.12 Helical Gears
7.13 Crossed Helical Gears
7.14 Worm Gearing
7.15 Bevel Gears
Chapter 8 Gear Trains
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Ordinary Gear Trains
8.3 Epicyclic Gear Trains
8.4 Compound Gear Trains
8.5 Design of Planetary Gear Trains
8.6 Efficiency of Planetary Gear Trains
Chapter 9 The Design of Combined Mechanism and Other Common Mechanisms
9.1 Ratchet Mechanism
9.2 Geneva Wheel
9.3 Intermittent Gearing
9.4 Universal Joint Mechanism
9.5 Combination of Mechanism
Chapter 10 Machinery Operation and Adjustment of Velocity Fluctuation in Machineries
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Kinetic Equations of Machinery
10.3 Solution of the Kinematic Equation of Motion
10.4 Flywheels and Periodic Fluctuation of Speed of Machinery Problems
Chapter 11 Balancing
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Static Balance
11.3 Dynamic Balance
11.4 Balancing of Planar Linkages