定 價(jià):60 元
- 作者:羅德榮 著
- 出版時(shí)間:2018/4/1
- ISBN:9787568141345
- 出 版 社:東北師范大學(xué)出版社
- 中圖法分類:H1
- 頁(yè)碼:258
- 紙張:膠版紙
- 版次:1
- 開本:16開
Part Ⅰ. Comparative Studies on wh-questions
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 wh-questions in English, Chinese and Korean
1.2 Purpose of the Study
1.3 A Review of Previous Studies
Chapter 2 An Outline of OT Theory
2.1 The Background of OT
2.2 Introduction of OT
2.3 Basic Concepts of OT
2.4 The Architecture of OT
2.5 Properties of OT Components
2.6 Marks of OT
2.7 0T Syntax
2.8 Constraint Ranking and Candidates Analyses
Chapter 3 An OT Analysis on Simple wh-questions
3.1 Simple wh-question
3.2 Characteristics of English, Chinese and Korean Simple wh-questions
3.3 0T Evaluation for Simple wh-questions in Three Languages
3.4 Similarities and Differences among English, Chinese and Korean Simple wh-questions
Chapter 4 An OY Analysis on Multiple wh-questions
4.1 Applying Simple wh-questions Constraint Hierarchy to Multiple wh-questions
4.2 Exploring New Constraints
4.3 0T and English Multiple wh-questions
4.4 0T and Chinese Multiple wh-questions
4.5 0T and Korean Multiple wh-questions
4.6 Similarities and Differences among English, Chinese and Korean Multiple wh-questions
Part Ⅱ. Comparative Studies on Reflexive Binding
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 The Features of Reflexive Binding in Three Languages
1.2 Language Specific Features across the Three Languages
1.3 Overview
1.4 Outlines of the Second Part of Study
Chapter 2 Previous Studies on Reflexive Binding
2.1 Syntactic Explanation
2.2 Non-syntactic Approaches
Chapter 3 An OT Constraint Generation on Reflexive Binding
3.1 Previous OT Analysis on Reflexive Binding
3.2 Constraints Generation
Chapter 4 An OT Evaluation of Reflexive Binding
4.1 0T and English Reflexive Binding
4.2 0T and Chinese Reflexive Binding
4.3 0T and Korean Reflexive Binding
4.4 Expanding OT to Other Languages
Chapter 5 Conclusion