一帶一路高等教育研究(2017學生流動)(英文版);The Belt and Road Higher Education Research
定 價:58 元
- 作者:劉進,艾莉絲·本戴維—哈德(IrisBenDavid-Hadar),宋文紅
- 出版時間:2018/4/1
- ISBN:9787520325158
- 出 版 社:中國社會科學出版社
- 中圖法分類:G64
- 頁碼:224頁
- 紙張:膠版紙
- 版次:1版
- 開本:16K
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Trajectory analysis of student mobility in "the Belt and Road" country--based on UNESCO data for 2006-2015
Chapter 3 Expanding Horizons far and Beyond: China as the Destination ( International Mobility of Students in Higher Education along the Belt & Road)
Chapter 4 The Belt and Road: A Motivating Factor of Student Mobility from Pakistan to China
Chapter 5 Mobility across the Belt and Road Regions: Influencing Factors towards Internationalisation and Academic &Social Experiences of International Students in China
Chapter 6 Intemationalisation of Higher Education in an Unequal Context: The Case of Vietnam
Chapter 7 Examining Career Maturity among Asian International Students
Chapter 8 Strategic Approaches to Intemationalisation of Higher Education in Afghanistan
Chapter 9 Internationalisation in Higher Education: A Policy Brief of the Israeli Case
Chapter 10 Intemationalisation of Higher Education:Student Mobility in Israel
Chapter 11 How to Increase University Students' ClassroomEngagement--An Approach
Chapter 12 Future Directions