Mingzhou’s Overseas Trade during the Song Dynasty and the Origin of the Mazu Cult
蔡相輝/Cai Xianghui
“Chronicle of Suppressing the Sea”: A New Understanding of the Historical Value of 1815 Collection of Poetic Contributions on the Suppression of the Sea
陳賢波/Chen Xianbo
Situating Space through Verse: A Study of the Ten Verses of Hà Tiên by Mo Cong (M??c Thiên T??)
杭 行/Xing Hang
The Old Hong Merchants, Commercial Environment and Official Position of the Qing Dynasty in Canton during the Early Days of Treaty Trade, 1843
侯彥伯/Yenbo Hou
A Preliminary Study of Yellow Croaker Fishery Protection in the Qing Dynasty
李玉尚/Li Yushang
Reappearance of Golden Isle : Reinterpreting the Selden Map
劉 爽/Liu Shuang
The Shipwreck of Borneo Kingdom in Archipelago Southeast Asia Sunken in the Dade Period of Yuan Dynasty and Its Longquan Celadon Cargo
錢 江/Qian Jiang
Settlement Ecology and Geographical Environment of the Zhoushan Archipelago since the Mid-Qing Period
吳俊范/Wu Junfan
An Extension of Maritime Culture: The Example of the Exhibit on Maritime Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Yangtze River Delta in the Chinese Maritime Museum
吳 鵬/Wu Peng
The Art of Knotting in Salt Junks of Upper Yangtze River
夏士德/G. R. G. Worcester
A Brief Exposition on the Chart of the Eastern and Southern Sea Routes
朱鑒秋/Zhu Jianqiu
The S.S. Chusan:The First British Ocean-Going Ship Named After a Chinese Locale
鄒賾韜/Zou Zetao
Modern Britain and the South Pacific: A Brief Survey of Historiography in the Twenty-First Century
徐桑奕/Xu Sangyi