定 價:68 元
- 作者: [荷] 亨克·惠因克 著
- 出版時間:2021/7/1
- ISBN:9787560394923
- 出 版 社:哈爾濱工業(yè)大學出版社
- 中圖法分類:TE312
- 頁碼:128
- 紙張:
- 版次:1
- 開本:16開
亨克·惠因克,Hendrik Pieter (Henk) Huinink is a physical chemist who graduated at the Wageningen University, The Netherlands (1998), with a PhD in soft matter physics. From 1998-1999 he was research associate at the Shell Research and Technology Center Amsterdam (SRTCA),where he investigated the influence of confinement on the morphology of block copolymers. He joined the Applied Physics Department of the Eindhoven Universitv of Technologv (The Netherlands) in 1999, where he started to work on modeling of transport in porous media and thin films. In those years he became more and more involved in NMR imaging studies on transport phenonema. In 2005 he became assistant professor at the Eindhoven University of Technology in the group Transport in Permeable Media (TPM). He guides a group of about 5-7 PhD students doing experimental work on transport processes in porous materials and polymer films. He teaches several courses at BSc and MSc level: statistical physics, microfluidics and porous media. Recently, he has started to redirect his research activities towards the kinetics of charging and discharging heat storage materials. For that purpose he spent a sabbatical in 2015 at the Friederich-Alexander University (Erlangen, Germany),where he studied hydration transitions in inorganic crystals with molecular simulations.
About the Author
1 Introduction
1.1 Porous materials
1.2 The geometry of the pore space and porosity
1.3 Pore sizes and the pore size distribution
1.4 Tortuosity
1.5 Guide to the reader
Further reading
2 Recap of thermodynamics
2.1 Fundamental equations
2.2 Thermodynamic potentials and equilibrium
2.3 Chemical potentials
Further reading
3 Wetting of solids and capillarity
3.1 Interfaces and interracial tension
3.2 Wetting and contact angle
3.3 Capillary pressure
3.4 Stresses in materials
Further reading
4 Phase transitiofis and confinement
4.1 Melting
4.2 Condensation
4.3 Crystallization
Further reading
5 Pipe flow
5.1 Stokes flow
5.2 Flow through a tube
Further reading
6 Single phase flow
6.1 Darcy's law
6.2 Permeability and geometry
6.3 Heterogeneity in the permeability
Further reading
7 Unconfined aquifers
7.1 Dupuit equation
7.2 Steady state applications and wells
Further reading
8 Unsaturated flow
8.1 Capillary suction
8.2 Beyond the sharp front approach
8.3 Capillary suction revisited
8.4 The role of vapor transport
Further reading
9 Two phase flow
9.1 Front motion
9.2 The front zone
9.3 Relative permeability and residual saturation
9.4 Viscous fingering
Further reading
A Thermodynamic potentials
B Energy of a liquid film
C Interfacial areas of a spherical cap
D Bruggeman equation