定 價:46 元
- 作者:白遠(yuǎn)
- 出版時間:2022/5/1
- ISBN:9787300304786
- 出 版 社:中國人民大學(xué)出版社
- 中圖法分類:F740.41
- 頁碼:280
- 紙張:
- 版次:6
- 開本:16
Chapter 1 Negotiation Motives and Key Terminology
1.1 Introduction 002
1.2 Negotiation Interpretation and Key Terminology 004
1.3 Business Negotiations and International Business Negotiations 008
Chapter 2 Negotiation Procedure and Structure
2.1 Negotiation Procedure 027
2.2 General Structure of Negotiations 030
2.3 Structure of Business Negotiations 034
Chapter 3 Negotiation Lubrication
3.1 Knowledge Base of Negotiators 043
3.2 Target Decision 045
3.3 Collecting Information 048
3.4 Staffing Negotiation Teams 053
3.5 Choice of Negotiation Venues 056
3.6 Formulation of Negotiation Plan 058
Chapter 4 Win-win Concept
4.1 Traditional Concept 065
4.2 Introduction of Win-win Concept: A Revolution in Negotiation Field 066
4.3 How Can Both Sides Win 068
Chapter 5 Collaborative Principled Negotiation
5.1 Collaborative Principled Negotiation and Its Four Components 079
5.2 Separate the People from the Problem 079
5.3 Focus on Interests But Not Positions 083
5.4 Invent Options for Mutual Gain 085
5.5 Introduce Objective Criteria 088
Chapter 6 Law of Interest Distribution
6.1 Needs Theory 095
6.2 Application of the Needs Theory in Negotiation 098
6.3 Three Levels of Interests at the Domestic Level 099
6.4 Law of Two-level Games 101
Chapter 7 Negotiating Power and Related Factors
7.1 Negotiating Power and Sources of Negotiating Power 114
7.2 Factors Causing the Changes of Negotiating Power 118
7.3 Application of Power Tactics 122
7.4 Estimating Negotiating Power 122
Chapter 8 Law of Trust
8.1 Trust and Its Interpretation 132
8.2 Determinants Affecting the Trust Level 133
8.3 Determinants Affecting a Person’s Trustful or Mistrustful Behavior 133
8.4 Effects of Trust 136
8.5 Suggestions of Enhancing Mutual Trust 138
Chapter 9 Personal Styles vs.Negotiation Modes
9.1 Negotiators’ Personal Styles 145
9.2 Negotiators’ Personal Styles and AC Model 147
9.3 Negotiators’ Personal Styles vs. Negotiation Modes 148
9.4 Application of Personality Tests 150
Chapter 10 Game Theory and Negotiation Application
10.1 Game Theory,Its Assumptions and Rules 164
10.2 Consequences and the Matrix Display 165
10.3 The Prisoner’s Dilemma 168
10.4 Direct Determinants of the Coordination Goal 172
Chapter 11 Distributive Negotiations vs. Integrative Negotiations
11.1 Distributive Negotiations 182
11.2 Price Negotiation and Negotiation Zone 184
11.3 Integrative Negotiations 190
Chapter 12 Complex Negotiations
12.1 Complex Negotiations and Their Properties 201
12.2 Involvement of Third Parties 202
12.3 Coalition and Multi-party Negotiation 208
Chapter 13 Culture Patterns vs. Negotiation Patterns
13.1 Definition of Culture 217
13.2 Culture Patterns 218
13.3 Hofstede Cultural Value Study 228
Chapter 14 Negotiation Risks and Management
14.1 Identification of the Sources of Risks 245
14.2 External Risks 246
14.3 Internal Risks 250
14.4 Managing Risks 256