Chapter 1International Trade
1. Reasons for International Trade
2. Benefits of International Trade
3. Problems in International Trade
4. Arguments Against International Trade
Chapter 2Terms of Delivery
1. Vital Aspects of a Transaction
2. Purpose of Terms of Delivery and International Rulesfor the Interpretation of Trade Terms (Incoterms)
3. Overview of the Structure of Incoterms 2000
4. Brief Explanation of the Terms
5. Considerations for Choosing Terms of Delivery
Chapter 3Cargo Packaging, Stowage & Marking
1. Needs of Cargo Packaging
2. Factors Influencing Types of Cargo Packaging forInternational Consignments
3. Areas of Improvement
4. Types of Packaging
5. Stowage of Cargo
6. Marking of Cargo
7. Packaging Clause
Chapter 4Transport
1. Ocean Transport
2. Air Transport
3. Rail Transport
4. Road Transport
5. Containerization
6. Palletization
7. Pipelines
8. International Multimodal Transport
9. General Considerations in Cargo Transport
Chapter 5Foreign Exchange Rate & Contract Formation& Offer & Acceptance
1. Foreign Exchange Rate
2. Protection Against Adverse Movement of ExchangeRate
3. Offer
4. Acceptance
5. Conditions of Sale
Chapter 6Payment Terms
1. Payment Instruments of International Trade
2. Methods of Payment
Chapter 7Ocean Marine Cargo Insurance
1. Overview of Ocean Marine Insurance
2. Need for Insurance
3. Coverage of Ocean Marine Cargo Insurance
4. Fundamental Principles of Cargo Insurance
5. Main Categories of General Cargo Insurance
6. Choice of the Right Coverage
7. Institute of London Underwriters
8. Major Types of Insurance Policy
9. Warranties
10. Assignment of the Insurance Policy
11. Premium
12. Cargo Insurance Claims
Chapter 8Inspection, Force Majeure & PrivateDispute Resolution
1. Commodity Inspection
2. Force Majeure
3. Private Dispute Resolution
Chapter 9Documentation
1. Role of Documentation
2. Major Documents
Chapter 10International Trade Procedures
1. Import Procedures
2. Export Procedures
3. Managing International Trade Procedures