定 價:30 元
- 作者:常俊躍 ,等 編
- 出版時間:2011/9/1
- ISBN:9787301192245
- 出 版 社:北京大學出版社
- 中圖法分類:H319.4
- 頁碼:218
- 紙張:膠版紙
- 版次:1
- 開本:16開
《21世紀CBI內(nèi)容依托系列英語教材:與文化》是在內(nèi)容依托教學理念指導下,依托國家哲學社會科學項目“英語專業(yè)基礎階段內(nèi)容依托式教學改革研究”推出的系列英語內(nèi)容依托教材之一。 本教材針對的學生群體是具有中學英語基礎的大學生,既適用于英語專業(yè)一、二年級學生,也適用于具有中學英語基礎的非英語專業(yè)學生和英語愛好者學習。
Unit 1 Clothing and the Bible
TextA Clothing
TextB Cloak and Tunic
TextC Sackcloth
Unit 2 Food and the Bible
TextA Food,Dlet and Ilealth
TextB Food
TextC Diet
Unit3 Family Life and the Bible
TextA Family Life
TextB Parents and Children
TextC How to Strengthen Your Family Ties
Unit4 Marriage and the Bible
TextA Types of Marriages
TextB Jewish Wedding
TextC Jewish Wedding Customs and Their Origins
Unit 5 Women and the Bible
TextA 0ld Testament Post-creation Views
TextB Daughters of Eve
TextC Stories of the WOmen
Unit 6 Shepherds and the Bible
TextA Shepherds
TextB Shepherd Leader
TextC Shepherds,Implements
Unit 7 Prophets and the Bible
TcxtA The Prophet Isaiah
TrextB The Prophet Jeremiah
TrextC Ezekiel the Prophet
Unit 8 Slaves and the Bible
TextA The General Picture ofSlavery
TextB Treatment ofSlaves
TextC Slavery and the Bible
Unit 9 Weapons and Warfare and the Bible
TextA Weapons
Text B Alternative Weapons
Text C War
Unit 10 City and the Bible
11exfA Cities
Text B A Biblical Theology of the City
Text C Bible Archaeology:Sodom and Gomorrah
Unit 11 Holidays and the Bible
Text A Jewish Holidays
Text B Purim in Bible Times
Text C Holiday Customs
Unit 12 Education and the Bible
TextA Christianity'S Influence on Education
TextB Education in Old TestamentTimes
TextC Education in New Testament Times
Unit13 The Power of Dreams and the Bible
rrextA Four Main Dreams in the Bible
TextB What does the Bible Say about Dreams?
TcxtC Dream Interpretation
Unit14 Jewish Values
Text A Jewish Impact on the Civilization ofAmerica
TcxtB The Jewish lnfluence on the Great Seal
TextC NumberThirteen
Unit 15 Bible'S Impact on English&American Culture
FextA English Culture and the Bible
11extB American Literature and the Bible
TextC The Bible'S ln fluenC6 onAmerican Culture
Appendix I:List of Biblical Names
Appendix Ⅱ:參考答案
Appendix Ⅲ:Famous Bible Stories
Adam and Eve
Conversion ofPaul
Crossing the Red Sea