定 價:42 元
- 作者:張娟 顧國平
- 出版時間:2023/4/1
- ISBN:9787300317205
- 出 版 社:中國人民大學(xué)出版社
- 中圖法分類:H311.9
- 頁碼:256
- 紙張:
- 版次:2
- 開本:16
Chapter 1 Definition and Types of Public Speaking
Warm-up Activities
1.1 Definition of Public Speaking
1.2 Elements of Public Speaking
1.3 Types of Public Speaking
Chapter 2 Preparing a Speech
Warm-up Activities
2.1 Selecting a Topic
2.2 Narrowing Down to One Topic
2.3 Analyzing Your Audience
2.4 Gathering Materials
Chapter 3 Outlining a Speech
Warm-up Activities
3.1 Identifying Your Purpose and Central Idea
3.2 Using a Consistent Outline Form
Chapter 4 Beginning and Ending a Speech
Warm-up Activities
4.1 Beginning the Speech
4.2 Ending the Speech
Chapter 5 Developing the Body
Warm-up Activities
5.1 Organizing the Main Points
5.2 Providing Supporting Materials
5.3 Connectives
Chapter 6 Presenting a Speech
Warm-up Activities
6.1 Polishing the Language
6.2 Delivery Exercises
Chapter 7 Fundamentals of Debate
Warm-up Activities
7.1 Debate Traditions in China and the West
7.2 Why Debate
7.3 Definition and Features of Debate
7.4 Elements of Debate
7.5 Formats of Debate
7.6 How to Debate
7.7 Ethical Considerations
7.8 Basic Terms in Debate
Chapter 8 Constructing a Propositional Case
Warm-up Activities
8.1 Roles and Responsibilities of PM and DPM
8.2 Opening Remarks
8.3 Substantiation
8.4 Selected PM and DPM Speeches
Chapter 9 Constructing an Oppositional Case
Warm-up Activities
9.1 Roles and Responsibilities of the First Opposition Team
9.2 Building the Opposition Case
9.3 Opposition Strategies for Motions of Policy
9.4 Opposition Strategies for Motions of Value
9.5 Selected LO Speech
Chapter 10 Refutation and Point of Information
Warm-up Activities
10.1 Burden of Refutation and Rejoinder
10.2 Refutation Strategies
10.3 Presenting the Refutation
10.4 Point of Information (POI)
Chapter 11 Extending the Argument
Warm-up Activities
11.1 Roles and Responsibilities of MG & MO
11.2 Extension
11.3 Extension Methods
11.4 Pitfalls Member Speakers Should Avoid in Making Extensions
11.5 Speech Lines for Member Speakers
11.6 Selected Speech of MO
Chapter 12 Making Summaries in Debate
Warm-up Activities
12.1 Roles and Responsibilities of GW & OW
12.2 Making Summaries
12.3 Speech Lines for Whip Speakers
12.4 Selected Speech of GW
Answers to the Exercises