Microwave Devices and Antennas 微波器件與天線
定 價:79 元
- 作者:韓春輝,安婷 著,韓春輝,安婷 編,劉笑飛,胡昆 譯
- 出版時間:2023/8/1
- ISBN:9787512441323
- 出 版 社:北京航空航天大學出版社
- 中圖法分類:TN12
- 頁碼:
- 紙張:膠版紙
- 版次:
- 開本:16開
Chapter 1 General Introduction
1.1 Introduction to Microwave
1.1.1 Microwave and Characteristics
1.1.2 Applications of Microwave
1.1.3 Protection Against Microwave
1.2 Introduction to Microwave Devices
1.2.1 Microwave Devices
1.2.2 Classification of Microwave Devices
1.3 Introduction to Antennas
1.3.1 Antenna
1.3.2 Classification of Antennas
Chapter 2 Transmission Line Theory
2.1 Transmission Line
2.1.1 Concept of Transmission Line
2.1.2 Concept of Long Line
2.1.3 Distributed Parameters and Equivalent Circuit of Transmission Line
2.2 Transmission Line Equations and Its Solutions
2.2.1 Transmission Line Equations
2.2.2 Sinusoidal Steady-state Solution of Transmission Line Equation
2.2.3 Special Solutions of Transmission Line Equation
2.3 Waves on Transmission Line and Their Transmission Characteristics
2.3.1 Incident Wave and Reflected Wave
2.3.2 Characteristic Impedance
2.3.3 Propagation Constant
2.3.4 Reflection Coefficient
2.3.5 Input Impedance
2.4 Working State of Lossless Transmission Line
2.4.1 Working State of Traveling Wave
2.4.2 Working State of Standing Wave
2.4.3 Working State of Traveling Standing Wave
2.5 Impedance Matching of Transmission Line
2.5.1 Quarter-wavelength Impedance Converter
2.5.2 Single-branch Matcher
2.5.3 Double-branch Matcher
Chapter 3 Practical Transmission Lines
3.1 General Analysis of Waveguide System
3.2 Rectangular Waveguide
3.2.1 Wave Equation Solution of Rectangular Waveguide
3.2.2 Propagation Characteristics of Rectangular Waveguide
3.2.3 TE10 Wave
3.2.4 Field Structure and Field Symmetry of High Order Modes in Rectangular Waveguides
3.2.5 Transmission Power and Power Capacity
3.2.6 Selection of Rectangular Waveguide Size
3.2.7 Matching of Rectangular Waveguide
3.3 Circular Waveguide
3.3.1 Wave Equation Solution of Circular Waveguide
3.3.2 Frequently-used Modes of Circular Waveguide
3.4 Parallel Transmission Lines and Coaxial Lines
3.4.1 Parallel Transmission Lines
3.4.2 Coaxial Line
Chapter 4 Microwave Components
4.1 Microwave Network and Scattering Parameters
4.1.1 Microwave Network
4.1.2 Scattering Parameters
4.2 Branch Components
4.2.1 Waveguide Single T - Branch
4.2.2 Waveguide Double T Branches and Magic T
4.2.3 Ring Bridge
4.3 Connecting Components and Transition Components
4.3.1 Connecting Components
4.3.2 Transition Components
4.4 Directional Coupler
4.4.1 Scattering Matrix of Symmetric Ideal Directional Coupler
4.4.2 Waveguide Directional Coupler
4.4.3 Crack Bridge
4.5 Attenuator and Phase Shifter
4.5.1 Attenuator
4.5.2 Phase Shifter
4.6 Microwave Ferrite Devices
4.6.1 Physical Properties of Microwave Ferrite
4.6.2 Positive and Negative Circular Waves
4.6.3 Permeability of Microwave Ferrite
4.6.4 Special Effect of Microwave Ferrite on Electromagnetic Field
4.6.5 Common Microwave Ferrite Devices
Chapter 5 Antenna Principles
5.1 Antenna Parameters
5.1.1 Antenna Patterns
5.1.2 Lobe Width and Sidelobe Level of Antenna Pattern
5.1.3 Direction Coefficient, Efficiency and Gain of Antenna
5.1.4 Impedance Characteristics
5.1.5 Frequency Bandwidth
5.1.6 Polarization Characteristics
5.1.7 Effective Receiving Area
5.1.8 Equivalent Noise Temperature
5.2 Symmetric Dipole Antenna
5.2.1 Radiation Field of Symmetrical Dipole
5.2.2 Directionality of Symmetrical Dipole
5.2.3 Radiation Power and Resistance of Symmetrical Dipole
5.2.4 Input Impedance of Symmetrical Dipole
5.3 Pattern Product Principle and Array Antenna
5.3.1 Pattern Product Principle
5.3.2 Planar Antenna Array
Chapter 6 Practical Antennas