定 價:27 元
- 作者:陳建平
- 出版時間:2011/3/1
- ISBN:9787040286250
- 出 版 社:高等教育出版社
- 中圖法分類:H0-05
- 頁碼:237
- 紙張:膠版紙
- 版次:1
- 開本:16開
Unit 1 Language Culture and Society-An Introduction to the Course
Understanding Language as Communication
The Study of Language and Society
The Study of Language and Culture
The Structure of This Course
Unit 2 Language and Dialect
Understanding Language and Dialect
The Complexity of Language VS.Dialect
Inte lligibility VS.Political Boundaries
The Standard Dialect
The Structural VS.the Functional Views.
Case Analvsis: Dialectal Differences in Chinese
Unit 3 Language and Nation
Understanding Language and Nation
The National Language.
National VS.Official Languages
Official VS.Working Languages
Case Analysis:Language and Political Conflicts in the European Union
Unit 4 Bilingualism and Multilingualism
Understanding Monolingualism VS.BilingualiSill.
Prejudices Against Bilingualism and Language Diversity
Positive Attitudes Favoring Linguistic Diversity
Academic Models ofBilingualism
Case Analysis: Discussing the Trilingual Situation in Hong Kon9
Unit 5 Word Englishes
Unit 6 Language and Social Variation
Unit 7 Language and Gender
Unit 8 Language Style and Register
Unit 9 Speech Acts
Unit 10 Language and Politeness
Unit 11 Language and Cultural Thought Patterns
Unit 12 Language and Cultural Contexts
Unit 13 Culture and Discoruse Patterns
Unit 14 Learning Language as Communication
Suggested Readings for the Course