定 價(jià):58 元
- 作者:戴煒棟 主編
- 出版時(shí)間:2010/5/1
- ISBN:9787544614597
- 出 版 社:上海外語教育出版社
- 中圖法分類:H3-42
- 頁碼:550
- 紙張:膠版紙
- 版次:1
- 開本:16開
CHAPTER 1 Fundamental Concepts of Foreign Language Teaching
Three Misconceptions about Age and L2 Learning
Towards Intercultural Communicative Competence in ELT
Feedback on Second Language Students' Writing
CHAPTER 2 Teaching Methodology and Approaches
There Is No Best Method --Why?
TESOL Methods: Changing Tracks, Challenging Trends
Exploring Input Processing in the Classroom: An Experimental Comparison of Processing Instruction and Enriched Input
CHAPTER 3 Foreign Language Teaching Research Methods
Action Research: An Evolving Paradigm?
Exploratory Practice: Rethinking Practitioner Research in Language Teaching
Making Sense of Language Teaching: Teachers' Principles and Classroom Practices
CHAPTER 4 Curriculum Development
French Core Programs across Canada: How Can We Improve Them?
The Use of a Research Model to Guide Curriculum Development CHAPTER 1 Fundamental Concepts of Foreign Language Teaching
Three Misconceptions about Age and L2 Learning
Towards Intercultural Communicative Competence in ELT
Feedback on Second Language Students' Writing
CHAPTER 2 Teaching Methodology and Approaches
There Is No Best Method --Why?
TESOL Methods: Changing Tracks, Challenging Trends
Exploring Input Processing in the Classroom: An Experimental Comparison of Processing Instruction and Enriched Input
CHAPTER 3 Foreign Language Teaching Research Methods
Action Research: An Evolving Paradigm?
Exploratory Practice: Rethinking Practitioner Research in Language Teaching
Making Sense of Language Teaching: Teachers' Principles and Classroom Practices
CHAPTER 4 Curriculum Development
French Core Programs across Canada: How Can We Improve Them?
The Use of a Research Model to Guide Curriculum Development
Developing Web-based Curricula: Issues and Challenges
CHAPTER 5 Materials Development
The Textbook as Agent of Change
The Empirical Evaluation 0fLanguage Teaching Materials
Materials Development and Research -- Making the Connection
CHAPTER 6 Syllabus Design and Needs Analysis
A Critical Look at the Communicative Approach (Ⅰ)
A Critical Look at the Communicative Approach (Ⅱ)
On Notional Syllabuses
Negotiating the Syllabus: A Win-win Situation?
CHAPTER 7 Teacher Education
Teacher Training, Development, and Decision Making: A Model of Teaching and Related Strategies for Language Teacher Education
Teachers' Theories in Grammar Teaching
The Sociocultural Turn and Its Challenges for Second Language Teacher Education