Keynote SpeechORAL Session: WP-I(A)Adv Ant for Radio-Astr. -1ORAL Session: WP-2(A)Adv Ant for Radio-Astr. -2ORAL Session: WP-I(B)New Strategies of CEM-1ORAL Session: WP-2(B)New Strategies of CEM-2ORAL Session: WP-I(C)UWB AntennasORAL Session: WP-2(C)Broadband AntennasORAL Session: WP-I(D)Compact AntennasORAL Session: WP-2(D)Small AntennasPOSTER Session: WP-C Best Student Papers ContestPOSTER Session: WP-PORAL Session: TA-I(A)EurAAP/COSTORAL Session: TA-2(A)Wireless Power Transmis.ORAL Session: TA-I(B)Computational EMORAL Session: TA-2(B)EM ScatteringORAL Session: TA-I(C)WLAN AntennasORAL Session: TA-2(C)Patch AntennasORAL Session: TA-I(D)MeasurementsORAL Session: TA-2(D)Radio PropagationPOSTER Session: TA-PORAL Session: TP-I(A)Body-central AntennasORAL Session: TP-2(A)Body-central PropagationORAL Session: TP-I(B)SIW Antennas & DevicesORAL Session: TP-2(B)Integrated MMW AntennasORAL Session: TP-I(C)Reflector & Air-fed ArrayORAL Session: TP-2(C)Array for Radar SystemsORAL Session: TP-I(D)Mobile & Indoor Propag.ORAL Session: TP-2(D)Wire AntennasPOSTER Session: TP-PORAL Session: FA-I(A)A &P for Mobile Comm.ORAL Session: FA-2(A)A &P for MIMO Comm.ORAL Session: FA-I(B)MMW & THz AntennasORAL Session: FA-2(B)MMW AntennasORAL Session: FA-I(C)Ant. Analysis & SynthesisORAL Session: FA-2(C)Freq. Selective SurfaceORAL Session: FA-I(D)EM in Circuits-IORAL Session: FA-2(D)EM in Circuits-2POSTER Session: FA-PORAL Session: FP-I(A)Antennas for RFIDORAL Session: FP-I(B)Inversed ScatteringORAL Session: FP-I(C)Slot AntennasORAL Session: FP-I(D)A&P in Mata-structuresPOSTER Session: FP-P