定 價:36 元
- 作者:主編鄒磊磊, 汪曉明
- 出版時間:2012/8/1
- ISBN:9787567000421
- 出 版 社:中國海洋大學(xué)出版社
- 中圖法分類:P7
- 頁碼:317
- 紙張:膠版紙
- 版次:1
- 開本:16K
Unit 1 Fisheries and Aquaculture
Text A The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture
Text B Microalgae Culture
Unit 2 Fisheries Management and Detection
Text B Remote Sensing
Unit 3 Climate Change
Text A Climate Change
Text B The Impact of the Economics of World Fisheries by Climate Change
Unit 4 IUU and Overfishing
Text A Trade Measures Against IUU
Text B Overfishing
Unit 5 Fish as the Food
Text A Which Fish to Eat
Text B Fish Utilization and Processing
Unit 6 Disaster
Text A Japan s Tsunami:How It Happened
Text B ARedTide
Unit 7 Untargeted Fish
Text A Associated Species
Text B Bycatch
Unit 8 Marine Construction
Text A Marine Construction and Offshore Structures at a Glance
Text B Seasteading:Cities on the Ocean
Unit 9 Man and Nature
Text A Dams
Text B Ocean Fertilization
Unit 10 Ocean: Man's Best Friend
Text A Ocean Storage of CO2
Text B Marine Compounds and Their Antiviral Activities
Appendix Academic Writing