Chapter 1 Business Negotiation
Chapter 2 Business Documents
Chapter 3 Business Letters
Chapter4 Business Etiquette
Chapter5 Export Procedures
Chapter6 Delivery Terms
Chapter7 Remittance
Chapter8 Collection
Chapter 9 Letter of Credit
Chapterl0 Bond
Chapter11 Marine Insurance
Chapter12 Business Ethics
Chapter13 Transportation Particulars
Chapter 14 Commodities Inspection and Customs
Chapter 15 Claims, Force Majeure and
Task-related Exchange of Information
Only after non-task sounding is complete, when acquaintance has been established , should business be introduced. It is advisable to let your counterpart signal when the task-related exchange of information should start. Usually, such signal will be givenafter tea or coffee has been served and may include a staLement such as, "Can you tellme more about your company?" or "Tell me, what has brought you to the UnitedStates? "
A task-related exchange of information implies a two-way communication process.However, it has been observed that when American meets Japanese across the negotiation table, the information flow is unidirectional - from American to Japanese. The Japanese appear to ask "thousands of" questions and to give little feedback. The first severely tests American negotiators' patience, and the latter causes them great anxiety. If the negotiation takes place in Japan, both can add up to much longer stays there (compared to negotiating in other countries) , wluch means higher travel expenses. In the following paragraphs we will recommend actions for you to manage efficiently giving and
taking information.
Civing Information
The language will remain the most obvious problems associated with providing information to your clients. English is the international language of business and technology.Your clients can speak and understand English. However, you should be careful of misunderstandings arising from your or the other side's limited knowledge of English. Confusion can result from politeness. When you think your clients understand in fact theydon't. When any doubt exists you should use visual media (slides, brochures) and aninterpreter. The following are the usual ways to give information efficiently:
Speak loudly, clearly and slowly;
Avoid litde-known words;
Maintain a pleasant attitude;
Explain the major idea in two or three different ways, as the point may be lost if discussed only once ;
While talking, allow your assistant to make notes of what is being said;After meeting, confirm in writing what has been agreed to.