本書提供給讀者一個對復分析的深刻理解以及這門學科是如何融入數學的。 該書是從伊利諾伊大學香檳分校的校園榮譽計劃中的講座發(fā)展起來的。這些課程的目標是讓學生體會到當以復分析的觀點對待許多數學和物理問題時,問題便被神奇地簡化了。此書從初等的水平出發(fā),但也包含了高級的材料。
Chapter 1.From the Real Numbers to the Complex Numbers
2.Number systems
3.Inequalities and ordered fields
4.The complex numbers
5.Alternative definitions of C
6.A glimpse at metric spaces
Chapter 2.Complex Numbers
1.Complex conjugation
2.Existence of square roots
4.Convergent infinite series
5.Uniform convergence and consequences
6.The unit circle and trigonometry
7.The geometry of addition and multiplication
Chapter 3.Complex Numbers and Geometry
1.Lines, circles, and balls
2.Analytic geometry
3.Quadratic polynomials
4.Linear fractional transformations
5.The Riemann sphere
Chapter 4.Power Series Expansions
1.Geometric series
2.The radius of convergence
3.Generating functions
4.Fibonacci numbers
5.An application of power series
Chapter 5.Complex Differentiation
1.Definitions of complex analytic function
2.Complex differentiation
3.The Cauchy-Riemann equations
4.Orthogonal trajectories and harmonic functions
5.A glimpse at harmonic functions
6.What is a differential form?
Chapter 6.Complex Integration
1.Complex-valued functions
2.Line integrals
3.Goursat's proof
4.The Cauchy integral formula
5.A return to the definition of complex analytic function
Chapter 7.Applications of Complex Integration
1.Singularities and residues
2.Evaluating real integrals using complex variables methods
3.Fourier transforms
4.The Gamma function
Chapter 8.Additional Topics
1.The minimum-maximum theorem
2.The fundamental theorem of algebra
3.Winding numbers, zeroes, and poles
4.Pythagorean triples
5.Elementary mappings
7.Higher-dimensional complex analysis
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