多智能體系統(tǒng)分布式協(xié)同控制=Distributed Cooperative Control of Multi-agent Systems:英文
定 價:69 元
- 作者:虞文武等著
- 出版時間:2016/1/1
- ISBN:9787040456356
- 出 版 社:高等教育出版社
- 中圖法分類:TP18
- 頁碼:242
- 紙張:膠版紙
- 版次:1
- 開本:16K
虞文武,東南大學教授、博士生導師、復雜系 統(tǒng)與網(wǎng)絡科學研究中心副主任、復雜系統(tǒng)協(xié)同 控制實驗室主任。于2004年和2007年分別獲 得東南大學學士和碩士學位,2010年獲得香港 城市大學電子工程系博士學位,F(xiàn)主要從事復 雜網(wǎng)絡系統(tǒng)協(xié)同分析、控制與優(yōu)化等相關研究,主持參與基金項目10多項。入選國家“萬人計劃”青年拔尖人才;2014-2016年人選Thomson Reuters全球高被引科學家,SCI H指數(shù) 為35,25篇ESI高被引論文(學科前1%);曾獲2010年江蘇 省科學技術獎一等獎、201 5年北京市科學技術獎二等獎、江蘇 省數(shù)學成就獎、Scopus“青年科學之星”信息科學領域金獎、國內(nèi)外學術會議和機構論文獎6篇等。合作出版圖書1種、專著1種,發(fā)表SCI論文90余篇。
1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.1.1 Networked Multi-agent Systems
1.1.2 Collective Behaviors and Cooperative Control in Multi-agent Systems
1.1.3 Network Control in Multi-agent Systems
1.1.4 Distributed Consensus Filtering in Sensor Networks
1.2 Organization
2 Consensus in Multi-agent Systems
2.1 Consensus in Linear Multi-agent Systems
2.1.1 Preliminaries
2.1.2 Model Formulation and Results
2.2 Consensus in Nonlinear Multi-agent Systems
2.2.1 Preliminaries and Model Formulation
2.2.2 Local Consensus of Multi-agent Systems
2.2.3 Global Consensus of Multi-agent Systems in General Networks
2.2.4 Global Consensus of Multi-agent Systems in Virtual Networks
2.2.5 Simulation Examples
2.3 Notes
3 Second-Order Consensus in Multi-agent Systems
3.1 Second-Order Consensus in Linear Multi-agent Systems
3.1.1 Model Formulation
3.1.2 Second-Order Consensus in Directed Networks
3.1.3 Second-Order Consensus in Delayed Directed Networks
3.1.4 Simulation Examples
3.2 Second-Order Consensus in Nonlinear Multi-agent Systems
3.2.1 Preliminaries
3.2.2 Second-Order Consensus in Strongly Connected Networks
3.2.3 Second-Order Consensus in Rooted Networks
3.2.4 Simulation Examples
3.3 Notes
4 Higher-Order Consensus in Multi-agent Systems
4.1 Preliminaries
4.2 Higher-Order Consensus in a General Form
4.2.1 Synchronization in Complex Networks
4.2.2 Higher-Order Consensus in a General Form
4.2.3 Consensus Region in Higher-Order Consensus
4.3 Leader-Follower Control in Multi-agent Systems
4.3.1 Leader-Follower Control in Multi-agent Systems with Full-State Feedback
4.3.2 Leader-Follower Control with Observers
4.4 Simulation Examples
4.4.1 Consensus Regions
4.4.2 Leader-Follower Control with Full-State Feedback
4.4.3 Leader-Follower Control with Observers
4.5 Notes
5 Stability Analysis of Swarming Behaviors
5.1 Preliminaries
5.2 Analysis of Swarm Cohesion
5.3 Swarm Cohesion in a Noisy Environment
5.4 Cohesion in Swarms with Switched Topologies
5.5 Cohesion in Swarms with Changing Topologies
5.6 Simulation Examples
5.7 Notes
6 Distributed Leader-Follower Flocking Control
6.1 Preliminaries
6.1.1 Model Formulation
6.1.2 Nonsmooth Analysis
6.2 Distributed Leader-Follower Control with Pinning Observers
6.3 Simulation Examples
6.4 Notes
7 Consensus of Multi-agent Systems with Sampled Data Information
7.1 Problem Statement
7.2 Second-Order Consensus of Multi-agent Systems with Sampled Full Information
7.2.1 Second-Order Consensus of Multi-agent Systems with Sampled Full Information
7.2.2 Selection of Sampling Periods
7.2.3 Design of Coupling Gains
7.2.4 Consensus Region for the Network Spectrum
7.2.5 Second-Order Consensus in Delayed Undirected Networks with Sampled Position and Velocity Data
7.2.6 Simulation Examples
7.3 Second-Order Consensus of Multi-agent Systems with Sampled Position Information
7.3.1 Second-Order Consensus in Multi-agent Dynamical Systems with Sampled Position Data
7.3.2 Simulation Examples
7.4 Consensus of Multi-agent Systems with Nonlinear Dynamics and Sampled Information
7.4.1 The Case with a Fixed and Strongly Connected Topology
7.4.2 The Case with Topology Containing a Directed Spanning Tree
7.4.3 The Case with Topology Having no Directed Spanning Tree
7.5 Notes
8 Consensus of Second-Order Multi-agent Systems with
Intermittent Communication
8.1 Problem Statement
8.2 The Case with a Strongly Connected Topology
8.3 The Case with a Topology Having a Directed Spanning Tree
8.4 Consensus of Second-Order Multi-agent Systems with Nonlinear Dynamics and Intermittent Communication
8.5 Notes
9 Distributed Adaptive Control of Multi-agent Systems
9.1 Distributed Adaptive Control in Complex Networks
9.1.1 Preliminaries
9.1.2 Distributed Adaptive Control in Complex Networks
9.1.3 Pinning Edges Control
9.1.4 Simulation Examples
9.2 Distributed Control Gains Design for Second-Order Consensus in Nonlinear Multi-agent Systems
9. 2.1 Preliminaries
9.2.2 Distributed Control Gains Design: Leaderless Case
9.2.3 Distributed Control Gains Design: Leader-Follower Case
9.2.4 Simulation Examples
9.3 Notes
10 Distributed Consensus Filtering in Sensor Networks
10.1 Preliminaries
10.2 Distributed Consensus Filters Design for Sensor Networks with Fully-Pinned Controllers
10.3 Distributed Consensus Filters Design for Sensor Networks with Pinning Controllers
10.4 Distributed Consensus Filters Design for Sensor Networks with Pinning Observers
10.5 Simulation Examples
10.6 Notes
11 Delay-Induced Consensus and Quasi-Consensus in Multi-agent Systems
11.1 Problem Statement
11.2 Delay-Induced Consensus and Quasi-Consensus in Multi-agent Dynamical Systems
11.3 Motivation for Quasi-Consensus Analysis
11.4 Simulation Examples
11.5 Notes
12 Conclusions and Future Work
12.1 Conclusions
12.2 Future Work