定 價(jià):35.8 元
- 作者:王關(guān)富,陳蘇東,陳建平 著
- 出版時(shí)間:2004/1/1
- ISBN:9787040112610
- 出 版 社:高等教育出版社
- 中圖法分類:D996
- 頁碼:442
- 紙張:
- 版次:1
- 開本:16開
part One Managing the Economg
Chapter 1Measuring Economic Success
Economic Growth and Its Measurement
High Employment,Low Unemployment
Stable Prices
Satisfactory Balance 0f Payments
PotentiaI Conflicts Between Goals
Case Study
Japan’S Economic Performance Between 1 960-
Chapter 2 Aggregate Demand and Supply
Aggregate Demand(AD)
Aggregate Supply(AS)
Interaction 0f AS and AD
Case Study
The Two Supply Shocks in the 1970s
Chapter 3 Demand Management Fiscal Policy and
Monetary Policy
Fiscal Policy
Monetary Policy
The Effects of Stabilization Policy
Case Study
China’S Macroeconomic Policy in Recent Years
Chapter 4 Supp~~Management and Income
Supply-side Policies
lncome Policies
Case Study
The Laffer.Curve and the Supply-Side Policy
part‘two The 3ramework of World
Chapter 5Basic Theories of InternotIOnal
Classical Theories of Trade
The Factor·Proportions Theory·——HO Theory
Demand·Side Theories of Trade and Country-Similarity
Technology-Based Theory of Trade
The Product Life-Cycle Model of Trade
Case Study
The Theory Behind the Antidumping
Chapter 6 Free Trade Versus Protectionism
The Gains from Free Trade
Differenl Means of Protection
The Arguments for Trade Protection
Case Study
The Growing U.S.Trade Imbalance with China
Chapter 7Multilateralism Versus Recjionalism
Multilateral Trade Liberalization-from GATT to WTO
Regional Trade Liberalization
Case Study
Towards a Tripartite World
Chapter 8 The Changinq Strudure ofWorld Output
The Post.War Growth of World Output
The Growth of World Trade and Changes in Commodity
The Growth 0f Service Trade
Case Study
Chinas Bid to Join the World Trade Organization
part ThreeTInternational Monetary
Chapter 9Balance of Payments
Accounting Principles
Balance 0f Payments Structure
PracticaIlssues:Problems and Solutions
Case Study
Mexico’S 1 994 Balance of Pavments Crisis
Chapter 1 0 Exchange-Rate Systems
Fixed Exchange Rates
Flexible Exchange Rates
Hybrid Exchange-Rate Systems
Case Study
The Shift from a Fixed Exchange-Rate Regime to a Flexible
Exchange-Rate Regime
Chapter 1 1Macroeconomic Policy in an Open
Economic Objectives 0f Nations
Policy Instruments
Policy Effects
International Economic Policy Coordination
Case Study
PlazaAgreementofl985and LouvreAccordofl9
Chapter 1 2InternationalMonetarySystem
The Gold Standard Era.1870-1914 212D
The Inter·War Period(Flexible Rates and Controls),1918-
The Bretton Woods System and the International Monetary
Managed Floating Since 1 973 and the European Monetary
Case Study
The Gold Standard and the Great Depression
Part Four glob Competitive Environ-
Chapter 13GIObalizatiOn Trend
Globalization-A Reality or an lIlusion?
Historical Review 0f Globalization
Indicators of Increasing Integration
Has Globalization Gone Too Far?-Debate Over It
Case Study
Disintegration of Production
Chapter 14Compet Jtion and Campetitive
Introduction to the Theory of Competitive Advantage——Concepts
and Parameters
Complete Formulation 0f Competitiveness
Growing Impact of International Competitiveness
Case Study
Free Competition
Chapter 1 5 Technological Innovation and
The Meaning of Innovation and the Development of Technological
Skill.Based or Resource.Based Competitiveness
Impact of Technological Innovation
Case Study
Innovation-Key for Success
Chapter 1 6Corporate Strategies and National
Definition of Corporate Strategy and Its Historical Develop-
The Formulation of Corporate Competitive Strategies
National Policies to Help Build up Competitive Edge
Bridging Corporate Strategy with the Nation’S Wealth-Building
Case Study
Strategies for Growth
part five Other Relevant Environ-
Chapter 1 7PoIiticaI-LegaI Environment
PoliticaI Environment
Legal Environment
Case Study
The BigGun
Chapter 1 8Social-Cultural Environment
What IS Culture
Social Structure a
SociaI Stratification
Culture and the Workplace
Cultural Change
Case Study
Cultural Differences at ABB
Key to Exercises