定 價:68 元
- 作者:[日] 長坂健司(K.Nagasaka),[法] 艾蒂安·福夫里(E.Fouvry) 編
- 出版時間:2020/6/1
- ISBN:9787560386645
- 出 版 社:哈爾濱工業(yè)大學(xué)出版社
- 中圖法分類:O156.4
- 頁碼:220
- 紙張:膠版紙
- 版次:1
- 開本:16開
《解析數(shù)論:1988年在東京舉行的日法研討會會議記錄(英文)》是一本影印版的會議論文集。內(nèi)容是關(guān)于1988年10月10日至13日在日本東京的Maison Pranco-Japoinai舉行的解析數(shù)論法國一日本研討會,此次會議是第五屆由法國一日本研究中心組織的有關(guān)數(shù)學(xué)的目法科學(xué)研討會。
The Japanese-French Symposium on Analytic Number Theory was held October 10-13, 1988 at the Maison Franco-Japaonaise in Tokyo, Japan, which is the Mathematics Section of the Fifth Japanese-French Scientific Symposium organized by the Maison Franco-Japonaise.
This symposium was sponsored by the Maison Franco-Japonaise, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, France, International Scientific Research Program of the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan; No. 63044170, the Promoting Society for Mathematical Sciences, Mathematical Society of Japan, Grant-in-Aid for Co-operative Research of the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan; No.63302002 and several Japanese universities. Their sponsorship is gratefully acknowledged.