定 價(jià):40 元
- 作者:Mike,Mattos,Richard,DuFour,Rebecca ... 著
- 出版時(shí)間:2019/6/1
- ISBN:9787544658010
- 出 版 社:上海外語教育出版社
- 中圖法分類:G451.2
- 頁碼:165
- 紙張:膠版紙
- 版次:1
- 開本:16開
《教師專業(yè)學(xué)習(xí)共同體常見問題簡答(英文版)》是我社從美國Solution Tree出版社引進(jìn)的“教師專業(yè)學(xué)習(xí)共同體(PLC)研究叢書”之一。Professional Learning Community(PLC)是指某一工作領(lǐng)域中同事們集體學(xué)習(xí)提高的一種方法。該方法經(jīng)常被用于組織學(xué)校老師在實(shí)踐中提高教學(xué)水平,改善學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)效果。Professional Learning Community at Work是Solution Tree公司的一個(gè)重要項(xiàng)目,立志于幫助各所學(xué)校(包括小學(xué)、中學(xué)、大學(xué))乃至各個(gè)地區(qū)建立PLC機(jī)制!敖處煂I(yè)學(xué)習(xí)共同體(PLC)研究叢書”即其成果、經(jīng)驗(yàn)匯總!督處煂I(yè)學(xué)習(xí)共同體常見問題簡答(英文版)》對建立教師專業(yè)學(xué)習(xí)共同體過程中常見的問題進(jìn)行了梳理和解答,內(nèi)容以實(shí)際操練為主,語言簡潔流暢,沒有艱深的理論探討,富有實(shí)踐意義。
About the Authors
Remodeling Your School: The Unexpected
A Sequential, Nonlinear, and Cyclical Process
Your Guide on the Side
How This Book Is Organized.
PLCs 101
What is a PLC?
What is the PLC——the entire district, the school, or the individual
teams within the school?
What is collective inquiry?
What is action research?
What are the three big ideas?
What is a focus on learning?
What is a collaborative culture?
What is a results orientation?
What is a culture that is simultaneously loose and tight?
We have had meetings at our school for years, so are we a PLC?
Why are the three big ideas so important to the PLC process?
A Word of Caution
Chapter 1
Laying the Foundation: Mission, Vision,
Values, and Goals
What is a school's mission?
Are the mission and a school's mission statement the
same thing?
How long should a mission statement be?
What is a learning-focused mission?
What does high levels of learning mean?
Does all really mean all?
Isn't it unrealistic to expect all students to learn at high levels?
If we make our mission high levels of learning for every child, what
about students in special education?
Isn't it a school's job to give students the opportunity to learn——not
to ensure they learn?
What is the student's responsibility in his or her learning?
What is the parents' responsibility for their children's success
in school?
Does everyone have to agree on the school's mission?
What is consensus?
What is school culture?
What does a school's mission have to do with school culture?
If our school does not have a learning-focused mission and culture,
what do we do to change that?
What is a guiding coalition?
What happens after we agree to a new learning-focused
mission statement?
What is a vision statement, and how does it differ from a mission
Why is a vision statement important to being a PLC?
How long and detailed should a vision statement be?
How do we begin the process of writing a vision statement?
Who should be involved in writing the vision statement?
Does everyone have to agree on the school's vision?
What happens after we have agreed on a new learning-focused
vision statement?
Chapter 2
Fostering a Collaborative Culture
Chapter 3
What Do We Want Our Students to Learn?
Chapter 4
How Will We Know When Our Students
Have Learned It?
Chapter 5
How Will We Respond When Some
Students Don't Learn and When Some Do?
Chapter 6
Defining the District's Role in the
PLC Process
Chapter 7
Addressing Consensus and Conflict in
It's Journey, Not a Destination
References and Resources