《當代國外語言學與應用語言學文庫》(共三輯)為中國市場上規(guī)模最大、覆蓋學科分支最全的語言學讀本系列;收入了當代語言學大師索緒爾、薩丕爾、布龍菲爾德、韓禮德、喬姆斯基、利奇等名家的最有影響的作品,并配有國內各領域專家撰寫的中文導讀;不僅包括各學科分支的入門級讀物,也包括有一定學術深度和難度的讀本。語言學文庫系列出版十余年來,已在語言學領域形成很大的知名度,受到了國內語言學界和外語教學界的普遍好評,成為推動我國語言學教學與研究和外語教學與研究的一個寶庫,具有重要的社會意義和學術價值。讀者對象為高校英語專業(yè)高年級本科生、研究生及英語教師! 墩Z言的意義:語義學與語用學導論》是英國曼徹斯特大學語言學高級講師 Alan Cruse 的經典之作,面世十余年來,先后兩次修訂。本書是第三版,系統(tǒng)介紹了關于語言意義的方方面面,從邏輯意義到語用意義,從詞匯意義到語法意義,從形式研究到功能研究,從傳統(tǒng)觀念到認知思路,無所不包。在各章末尾,作者設置了一些討論題,幫助讀者及時復習、應用本章的主要內容,并提供了參考文獻,方便有興趣的讀者進一步提高。本書框架結構完整、覆蓋面廣,是高等院校英語專業(yè)師生和語言學研究人員不可多得的參考用書。
艾倫·克魯斯(Alan Cruse):英國曼徹斯特大學語言學高級講師,講授過語義學、語用學、心理語言學等課程,2001年退休,出版語言學專著數部,包括《詞匯語義學》、《語言的意義—語義學與語用學導論》、《詞匯學國際手冊:詞和詞匯的本質和結構》和《認知語言學》。
Typographic conventions
From the preface to the first edition
Preface to the second edition
Preface to the third edition
Part 1 Fundamental Notions
1 Introduction
2 Logic and meaning
3 Concepts and meaning
Part 2 Words and Meanings
4 Lexical units
5 Contextual variability of word meaning
6 Paradigmatic relations of inclusion and identity
7 Paradigmatic relations of exclusion and opposition
8 Lexical hierarchies
9 Syntagmatic semantic relations Typographic conventions
From the preface to the first edition
Preface to the second edition
Preface to the third edition
Part 1 Fundamental Notions
1 Introduction
2 Logic and meaning
3 Concepts and meaning
Part 2 Words and Meanings
4 Lexical units
5 Contextual variability of word meaning
6 Paradigmatic relations of inclusion and identity
7 Paradigmatic relations of exclusion and opposition
8 Lexical hierarchies
9 Syntagmatic semantic relations
10 Describing lexical senses 1: dimensions and structures
11 Describing iexical senses 2: approaches to the specification of word meaning
12 Extensions of meaning
Part 3 Grammatical Meaning
13 Grammatical meaning; nouns and noun phrases
14 Argument structure
15 Verbs and adjectives
16 Prepositions
17 Derivational affixes
Part 4 Pragmatics
18 Speech acts
19 Reference and deixis
20 Conversational implicatures
Answers to questions
Author index
Subject index